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Center for Digital media
The Center for Digital Media is a digital platform for advocating digital media practices. The Center provides a dialogue forum for policy research analysis on Digital Media.
About Us
The Center for Digital Media’s objective is to encourage design thinking and innovation among Digital Media Leadership. The aim is the Application of Digital media tools and practices to improve the quality of content creation, design, and strategic decision-making. The significance of the Center is to provide guidelines for effective digital outreach with the help of emerging technologies.
The Center for Digital Media publish articles and research paper on the relevant subject to encourage practitioners and students to learn from this Center.
Digital Media Network organized Events , Webinar and dialogue forum with its collaborating partners on Digital Media Practices, Challenges and Significance.
Digital Media Institute
The Digital Media Institute of the Center for Digital Media plays an important role in creating awareness. The Center encourages to develop digital application skills for ultimately shaping the future of digital media. The Center initiated number of certification courses and workshops on Digital Transformation in Media.
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